Programme SAP BMA_CONVITEMS - BOR Migration: Generate Worklist

BOR Migration: Generating worklists of the individual Basis services

All Basis services affected by the BOR migration that want to offersupport for the migration using the Migration Assistant (transactionSBMA), use this program to construct the BMA_WLST worklist table.
They provide a function module which is called by this program and inwhich the corresponding determination of migration-relevant locationsin all program objects is performed.

You must avoid time-critical searches over the entire source code thatgo beyond the index-supported where-used lists (as performed in theBMA_CONVITEMS_SAMT program, for example).
In spite of this, you must always start the program as a background jobfor performance reasons.
It runs once, at a particular time.
You can only use SBMA to process those entries defined here and thosedefined in BMA_WLST. In addition, there is the BMA_CONVITEMS_SAMTprogram, which scours the source code for BOR constants and stores theaffected locations in the BMA_CONS intermediary table. In a subsequentstep, these are copied into table BMA_WLST using theBMA_CONVITEMS_SAMT_MAINTAIN program.


No output takes place