Programme SAP BIZC_IF_AUTH_SERVICE_TEST2 - Example: Business Content Test Program

The most important test program for the provider isBIZC_IF_AUTH_SERVICE_TEST2, as it calls the interfaces to the provider.
This test program provides you with multipe options for testing theprovider interfaces interactively. After starting the program, you mustmake the settings required for the provider. If you select the namedcontext hierachy on the selection screen and start the program, the leftwindows displays the tree containing the named contexts. Browsing thetree calls the list method. Double-clicking a named context executes thelookup. The content object is then displayed in the right-hand window,in its serialized display form (XML). The other functions of theprovider interface are also implemented. On the selection screen, youcan therefore choose whether to call get_match_attributes,get_fixed_restrictions and the search method as well.