Programme SAP BETR_RDL_ARCH_WRITE - RDL Archiving: Write Program

Write program for archiving document data of a Billing EngineApplication.

If you want to execute a write run in productive mode with automaticstart of the delete program, you must firstly maintain some settings forthe archiving object. Select the relevant object inArchive AdministrationBEA_aaaa (aaaa stands for the Billing Engine Application,for example CRMB for CRM Billing). From the initial screen,switch into the maintenance of Customizing settings with-> Goto -> Customizing -> Archiving-Specific Customizing-> Technical Settings

  • Maintain a productuve mode variant under the point Settings for
  • Delete Program. If no suitable variant has been defined, you cancreate a new variant using the pushbuttom Variant.
    • Maintain the option Start Automatically in the subpoint
    • Delete Jobs, or if you want the delete program to be started byevents, select the option By Event. Attention:If the option No Scheduling is selected, the delete programcannot be started automatically.


      The billing documents that are flagged as archivable are read (
      Flag: Billing Document is Archivable in thebilling header). The corresponding billing items, billing due listitems, document flow data, pricing data, partner set data, and texts arethen selected and written to the archive file.
      It is possible to run the write program in both the test and productiverun, and have the delete program start automatically, or in theproductive run without the delete program starting automatically.No data whatsoever is archived in the test run, and the delete programis not started.
      In the field Note on Archiving Run you can enter a free text thatis assigned to the archiving run.

      All billing documents flaggeed as archivable are selected andwritten to the archive file together withh all immediately dependentdata.
      The write program is scheduled usingArchive Administration. Select the relevant objectBEA_aaaa (aaaa stands for the Billing Engine Application,for example CRMB for CRM Billing).
      Additional functions in archiving of document data of a Billing EngineApplication:

      • Preprocessing program: Select
      • billing documents for archiving
        • Delete Program: Delete archived data

        • Postprocessing Program: Delete
        • rejected, non-billed billing due list items