Programme SAP BETR_RDL_ARCH_PREPROC - RDL Archiving: Preprocessing Program

Preprocessing program for archiving document data of a Billing EngineApplication.

The quantity of documents to be archived can be restricted usingdifferent selection conditions, such as billing type, billing date,payer, and so on. Only documents that have already been transferred toAccounting or have been completed by being canceled (
Transfer Status to Accounting) and havenot been marked as archivable are archived.
Only documents that have already exceeded their residence time areselected for archiving. The residence time specifies the number of daysthat have to have elapsed before a billing document can be archived (
Residence Time of a Billing Document in Days
). It is stored in Customizing for billing types (Customizing:Archiving Control in Billing). The processing date inthe billing header is used as the base date when determining whethera billing document has already exceeded its residence time. The billingdocuments of a billing type are excluded from archiving if no residencetime has been defined for this billing type.
If a billing document is selected for archiving in the preprocessingprogram, it is flagged as archivable (
Flag: Billing Document Is Archivable)inthe billing header. Billing documents that have been flagged asarchivable cannot be changed.
You can start the preprocessing program in both the test run andproductive run by flagging the selected billing documents.In the test run, the billing documents are not flagged. InCRM Billing, you can activate an additional archivability check usingthe flag Enhanced Checks.Activating this flag has a negative impact on the performance of the
preprocessing program due to the additional checks. SAP stronglyrecommends that you carry out these checks in order to preventinconsistencies in connection with business processes such as rejectionof transaction items, cancellation of goods issue, and so on.If the flag is set, the following checks are carried out:

  • For all documents to be archived, with the exception of cancellation
  • billing documents, a check is run to determine whether the correspondingCRM transaction and, if applicable, the corresponding R/3 delivery hasalready been archived. If the CRM transaction or the R/3 delivery arestill in the database, the billing document is removed from archivingand a message is recorded in the run log. The additional check can,therefore, only be used if the CRM transactions and, if applicable, theR/3 deliveries are both archived and then deleted from the databaseafter archiving.
    • For cancellation billing documents, a check is run to determine whether
    • the corresponding canceled billing document has already been archived oris selected for archiving. If the corresponding canceled billingdocument has not yet been selected for archiving, the cancellationbilling document is removed from archiving, and a message is placed inthe run log.
      Achtung: It is possible for the enhanced check of a cancellationbilling document to fail, and for a subsequent check to reveal that thecorresponding canceled billing document has already been selected forarchiving. This occurs when the corresponding canceled billing documentwas selected for archiving in this run, and this selection took placebefore the enhanced check was carried out on the cancellation billingdocument. In this case, the cancellation document is selected forarchiving the next time the preprocessing program is run.

      The preprocessing program is scheduled usingArchive Administration. Select the relevant objectBEA_aaaa (aaaa stands for the Billing Engine Application,for example CRMB for CRM Billing).
      Additional functions in archiving of document data of a Billing EngineApplication:

      • Write Program: Write billing documents
      • to the archive file
        • Delete Program: Delete archived data

        • Postprocessing Program: Delete
        • rejected, non-billed billing due list items