Programme SAP BDT_CORR_001 - Table TBZ3N: Several Standard Assignments for a Screen Seq.Category

BDT, Correction: TBZ3N, Multiple Assignments with Standard Flag

If there are multiple assignments with an active standard flag for ascreen sequence category (database inconsistency), you can use thiscorrection program to reset the standard flag in all assignments exceptone. You only make the correction in the current client for theapplication object/screen sequence category combination entered in theselection screen. Customers must then check the settings in dialogmode, and change the standard flag if necessary.
If customers want to transport the change/s made by the correctionprogram to other clients or systems, they must include the settings inthe request (function: transports in dialog maintenance). It isimportant to also transport the screen sequence in which the correctionprogram reset the standard flag (see "Output" section below).
The correction programm can be started again at any time, as it onlymakes changes in the database if the described data inconsistencyactually exists.


If the correction program resets the standard flag in the ScreenSequence Category --> Screen Sequence assignments, the applicationobject, screen sequence category, and screen sequence are output.