WORKFLOW: 1st sight: Table BDLFUNC insert logical function name, COE name and short description, status can be changed by button 'set status'. 2nd sight: Table BDLFUVERS insert for each different release or different DDIC structure in R/3 system from which data should be sent the name of function call, a different CLUST_ID (function module), the R/3 release intervals (must be disjunct), the system the interface data should be selected from and if necessary restrictions of database system, DB release, Hot Package, etc. 3rd sight: Table BDLFUPIMP will be filled automatically, if necessary, please save first, then change import value for import parameter. -> normally interface data from development system are saved, too. If not -> GOTO -> ORIGINAL INTERFACE, -> double click on each parameter entry shows fields and their DDIC + ABAP type info. Alignment of parameters is included. -> Global variables of Service Assistent can be created by: -> GOTO -> GLOBAL VARIABLES -> in CHANGE MODE -> NEW CREATION, if just new CLUST_ID added, -> ADD GLOBAL VARIABLES. -> Creation of all data declarations + includes to fill them from table BDLDATCOL + copy them into variables of each release: -> GENERATE DATA -> FILL GLOBAL VARIABLES is under construction. |