Programme SAP BC_HROBJ_WRI - Archiving HR Object: Write Program

Write program for archiving object B_HROBJ.

This report enables you to archive data using the archiving objectBC_HROBJ. You can start the report in Test Mode orProduction Mode. You can also have a Detail Log createdand have an Archiving Session Note stored.
When writing data, the report includes implementations of the BAdIARC_BC_HROBJ_WRITE.

You can select the objects that are to be archived in two ways:

  • Select objects directly by entering the (internal) object type
  • for which data is to be archived. If you do not enter an evaluationpath, the system only archives those objects that entirely fulfill theselection criteria. You must enter one plan version and one object type.
    • Select a structure that is to be archived by entering an evaluation
    • path. When you select a structure using an evaluation path, you mustspecify one start object. All objects that are found along theevaluation path are archived.
      You can use the To Date parameter to restrict the time period forwhich data is to be archived. This parameter defines that only infotyperecords that are valid on or up to the to-date (ENDDA <= to-date) arearchived.
      You must also enter an archiving subobject. The archivingsubobject defines which object types and which infotypes are to bearchived according to the tables T77ARCH and T77ARCHLINE.

      For more information about how to use the archiving object BC_HROBJ toarchive data, see SAP Library under SAP Application Components ->HR Archiving -> Archiving Personnel Planning Data (PA-BC)