Programme SAP BCA_ARCHIVING_ENGINE - Archiving Engine

The Archiving Engine is primarily intended for archiving largeamounts of data. It manages the complete process chain for archiving,including monitoring.
You can archive your data using parallel processing. You can preset theserver group and the maximum number of simultaneously active workprocesses (tasks) that can be used for archiving in this server group.
In the Archiving Monitor, you can follow how the ArchivingEngine works between the master server and the client servers. Youcan see which packages are formed on the master server and whicharchiving tasks process these packages on the client servers.
Snapshots are saved as events. This means you can trace the history ofthe data volume and the results of the Archiving Engine.
The Archiving Monitor displays an InfoCube showing when businessobjects are included in the archiving check in the future. The graphicalso shows the business-related rejection reasons.
From this graphic, you can see which periods have a particularly largeamount of objects scheduled for analysis. Plan sufficient resources forarchiving for these times.

The Archiving Engine check only includes the business objectsthat are currently waiting to be checked. Business objects that cannotbe archived are scheduled for the archiving check, that is, set toresubmission.
The Dynamic Selections button allows you to restrict the data tobe selected by the Archiving Engine based on attributes in theheader table for the archiving object. You can also use theserestrictions for a short period, such as for observation in theArchiving Monitor.
The analysis phase consists of two checks (security levels):
Residence time check
Business-related check
Only business objects that pass both checks are flagged as archivable;the others are set to resubmission.
The Archiving Engine creates equally-sized data packages toachieve optimum server usage:
The smaller the package size you select, the higher the network load.
The maximum permitted package size is limited by the main memory of theserver on which the Archiving Engine runs (master server).
The number of resulting archiving runs is restricted by the number ofsimultaneously active work processes (tasks) on the clients.
This results in archiving runs that have approximately the same numberof business objects.
These archiving runs can be deleted in parallel.
Since the deletion phase is usually very time-consuming, you need toprovide at least as many tasks as for the write phase.
If you do not specify a server group, the archiving tasks canpotentially be divided between all available application servers.
You can specify default values for the Archiving Engine in theobject-specific Customizing (choose the Object-Specific Customizing
button). Take into account your technical resources. In thisobject-specific Customizing, you can also specify the functions andphases that the Archiving Engine provides. This enables you toadjust the Archiving Engine to the requirements of the usage phase andits specific tasks.
In Customizing, you can define residence intervals for the businessobjects to be archived specifically for archiving, depending on specificattributes (Define Residence Time button).
You can schedule the Archiving Engine as a background job(periodic) (Schedule in Background button).
During the test, you can use the button to reset the status to theprevious level.
In dialog mode, you can use the Archiving Monitor to monitor theresults of the Archiving Engine that is running in the background(Archiving Monitor button). You can use the SAP BusinessGraphic functions to display the sequence of archiving runs.