Programme SAP BBP_ATTR_XPRA350_RESTART_WGR - Conversion 3.50: Convert Material Groups from GUID to ID

Postprocessing of material group conversion (Release 3.5)

If during the upgrade, the XPRA BBP_ATTR_XPRA350 could not correctlyconvert material groups because the appropriate master data did notexist, you can subsequently correct the incorrect entries using thisprogram.


  • Conversion must have already run successfully, otherwise the relevant
  • clients are skipped.
    • Customizing of the organizational management must be complete, this
    • means that especially the active plan variant (T77S0: PLOGI/WORKF andPLOGI/PLOGI) and the scenario BBP (T77OMATTSC) must be defined.
      • The material groups used must be entered in the master data
      • (Transaction COMM_HIERARCHY).


        The output is made to the upgrade log during the upgrade. The log isoutput as a list when the program is run directly as a program callup.

        The attributes WGR that are not yet processed are converted to attributPRCAT.
        In the conversion, the GUIDs are converted into the appropriatecombination of ID and source systems of the material groups. Therelevant entries are read in the master data table COMM_CATEGORY.
        Material groups that are not entered in this table are not converted;the relevent GUID remains intact in the attribute WGR and can beconverted with this program (after you maintain the material groupmaster data).