Programme SAP BBP_ATTR_XPRA350 - Conversion 3.50: EBP Function and Responsibilities by Info Types

Conversion of organizational attributes in infotypes (Release 3.5)

In order to accelerate the search for purchase data, the relevant datais physically reorganized.
This program runs during the upgrade and it ensures that the data isconverted into the new tables.


  • The conversion must not have already run successfully, otherwise the
  • relevant clients are skipped.
    • Customizing of organizational management must be complete, this means
    • that changing of infotypes and reading of structures must be possible.Usually this is the case for a system if it has already been usedproductively before the upgrade.
      • Note: The active plan variant (T77S0: PLOGI/WORKF and PLOGI/PLOGI) must
      • be set. Scenario BBP (T77OMATTSC) must be defined.
        • The material groups used must be entered in the master data.
        • (Transaction COMM_HIERARCHY).


          During the upgrade, the output is sent to the log of the upgrade. Thelog is output as a list when the program is run directly as a programcallup.

          The program carries out the following steps:
          Attribute WGR is converted to attribute PRCAT. Previously bothattributes contained the material groups that are assigned to a user inscenario BBP.
          In the conversion, the GUIDs are converted into the appropriatecombination of ID and source systems of the material groups. Therelevant entries are read in the master data table COMM_CATEGORY.
          Material groups that are not entered in this table are not converted;the relevent GUID remains intact in the attribute WGR and can beconverted with program BBP_ATTR_XPRA350_RESTART_WGR (after you maintainthe material group master data).
          Attribute WGR is removed (logically) from the maintenance interface andWGR is no longer read by the application after the upgrade.
          For all companies, the attributes IS_COMPANY and COMPANY are replacedby the new infotype 5500 subtype 0100. Attribute BUK is copied to thisinfotype if it is maintained for the company. (The company code of thecompanies contains this information.)
          Attributes IS_COMPANY and COMPANY are removed (logically) from themaintenance interface, attribute BUK remains completely intact.
          Attributes IS_POR and PURCH_ORG are replaced by the new infotype 5500subtype 0200. Attribute PURCH_ORGX is determined for the object itselfand for all objects that are above it in the hierarchy. Thehierarchically lowest or next attribute is divided into the logicalsystem and the purchasing organization and also saved in infotype 5500subtype 0200. Attributes IS_POR, PURCH_ORG and PURCH_ORGX are removed(logically) from the maintenance interface.
          Attributes IS_PGR and PURCH_GRP are replaced by the new infotype 5500subtype 0300. Attribute PURCH_GRPX is determined for the object itselfand for all objects that are above it in the hierarchy. Thehierarchically lowest or next attribute is passed to the logical systemand the purchasing group and also saved in infotype 5500 subtype 0300.
          The values for attribute RESP_PRCAT are read from the object itself andreplaced by the new infotype 5501. The values of the attribute RESP_WGRfor the object and the objects above it in the hierarchy are collectedand also replaced by the new infotype 5501. The GUIDs of the materialgroups are replaced by their keys. The values for RESP_PGRP aredetermined similar to the attribute PURCH_GRPX and are converted toconnection 490. The attributes IS_PGR, PURCH_GRP, PURCH_GRPX,RESP_PRCAT, RESP_WGR und RESP_PGRP are removed (logically) from themaintenance interface.
          RESET N1
          All read operations are carried out for the key date today. Theinformation is saved with the validity of the related object.
          The effect here is that organizational units that are not yet companies(that have the attribute IS_COMPANY with validity beginning next year)are not converted.

          If during the upgrade, errors occur within this program, proceed asfollows:
          Read the message long text.
          If this has no information on correcting the error, you can check inSAP Note 436605 if the problem has been reported before.
          If the problem is not known, you can ignore the error. The program canbe run without any problems even after the upgrade (in EBP Systems,however, before the productive start). You can complete the upgrade.

436605EBP 3.5: Converting an organization attribute
511352EBP 3.5: Empty functional responsibility