Programme SAP BAPIMONI - BAPI Monitor: Statistics on BAPIs and Their Properties

The BAPI Monitor creates a list of all BAPIs that exist in the system.All the BAPI entries in the BOR are included which have set the ISAPIflag in the associated table SWOTDV.
The BAPI Monitor is also able to display potential BAPI functionmodules - function modules whose names begin with 'BAPI'.
You can select the options below for generating the list:
1. Object types to be displayed: Restricts the selection tospecific business objects.
Standard setting: *
2. Additonal function modules: For the BAPIs selected in thefield 'Object types to be displayed', all the function modules aredisplayed that could potentially be registered in the BOR as BAPIs,that is, their names begin with BAPI*.
This function is only useful, if all the BAPIs are displayed (nosubsets selected). Otherwise, all the function modules assigned to anon-selected BAPI, will be incorrectly displayed as "potential BAPIs".
3. Release: In this field enter a release (e.g. 45A). Dependingon the entry in the field 'New only', either only the BAPIs created inthis release are displayed, or also all the BAPIs created before thisrelease.
4. New only: If this field contains an "X", only BAPIs createdin the release specified in the 'Release' field, will be displayed.
5. BAPIs from Source system: Only those BAPIs will be displayedthat were created in the system specified (you can use placeholderssuch as '*'). The standard value is the current system. Valid entriesare, for example: AHR, B20, A* etc.
6. Display by area: With this field you can display BAPIs fromselected areas. This is done using the application component that thefunction modules are assigned to. Only BAPIs from the areas marked withan "X" will be displayed.


You can download the list and edit it in a spreadsheet program. Savethe output file with the extension .CSV. You can display single linesof the list more clearly by double clicking on them.