Programme SAP AW01N - Asset Explorer

The Asset Explorer (transaction AW01N) shows planned as well as alreadyposted asset balance sheet values and depreciation of a fixed asset invarious formats and levels of summarization. The Asset Explorer is usedfor displaying and analyzing fixed asset values.

The Asset Explorer consists of:

  • A header, in which you first enter the company code the asset to be
  • considered
    • An overview tree for navigation among depreciation areas

    • An overview tree that displays objects related to the asset

    • The tab pages, in which you can analyze planned values, posted values,
    • and various parameters and make comparisons or fiscal years ordepreciation areas
      Title Bar
      Refresh Asset pushbutton: You can read the data of the fixedasset from the database again, without having to start the AssetExplorer again.
      Display Master Data pushbutton: You can jump to the asset masterrecord.
      Translate Currency Amounts: You can display amounts in othercurrencies using various currency translation methods.
      Call Asset Reports: You can jump to various standard assetaccounting reports.
      Switch On Simulation : You can simulate different depreciationterms and different transactions.
      Along with the company code and main asset number, you can also enterthe asset subnumber here and navigate to different fiscal years.
      If you enter an asterisk (*) in the asset subnumber field, then all thesubnumbers for the main asset number are also included in the valuedisplay. However, there are certain limitations that should beconsidered.
      Overview tree for depreciation areas
      By choosing the pushbutton above the overview tree, you go to thedisplay transaction for asset master data.
      In the tree itself, you navigate among the depreciation areas byselecting the depreciation area you want to view. The icon to the leftof the depreciation area name indicates if the depreciation area is realor derived.
      Overview tree for related objects
      The system automatically searches for objects related to the asset, forexample, cost center, equipment, G/L account, and displays these in anoverview tree. You can go directly from here to the display transactionfor the master data of the given object.
      To go to a report that contains all contextual data for logisticsdocuments, double click on the folder icon above the purchase orders.
      Planned Values tab page, Planned Values subscreen
      On the Planned Values tab page, the system displays alltransactions affecting APC values, all depreciation calculated for theasset (including proportional value adjustments), the net book value,and any interest calculated. The values at the start of the year areshown compared to the values at the end of the fiscal year. Thedifferences between the two are also displayed. For each type ofdepreciation, it shows the accumulated depreciation of closed fiscalyears (value at start of the fiscal year) and the planned depreciationfor the current year. Reductions to APC (investment support, transferredreserves) and revaluation are shown separately from the acquisition andproduction costs.
      You can recalculate planned depreciation for the displayed asset bychoosing the Recalculate dep. icon.
      Choose the Display dep. calculation icon to display thedepreciation calculation. Here you can see step-by-step, detailedinformation for the depreciation values calculated. This applies foreach depreciation area, each depreciation type, and each assettransaction. The system displays the asset balance at the start of thefiscal year, as well as the depreciation planned on the balance. Inaddition, all changes to APC values in the current year, with thecorresponding adjustments to planned annual depreciation, are listed. Bychooseing the Routines function, you go to a hierarchicalstructure (depreciation trace) that displays all routines fordepreciation calculation that were called during the calculation. Youcan expand the tree structure to see the most important paramters.
      If the asset is a group asset, you can go to the standard report thatshows its component assets by choosing the Break down group asset
      Planned Values tab page, Transactions subscreen
      Select a transaction line item, and choose Display FI document togo to the corresponding document in Financial Accounting.
      Select a transaction line item, and choose All Accounting Documents
      to receive a list of all documents in Financials. You can jump fromthe list to these documents.
      Select a transaction line item, and choose Display Header AssetAccounting to display the corresponding information in the assetaccounting document.
      Select a transaction line item, and choose Display Originals todisplay ArchiveLink documents related to the transaction.
      After choosing Simulation in the title bar, you can simulatevarious APC transactions for the asset by choosing Trans. Simulation
      . The results are displayed directly in the Asset Explorer. Thesimulated transaction is shown in the transaction list in a differentcolor.
      Posted Values tab page, Posted Depreciation Values subscreen
      On the Posted Values tab page, you can see the depreciationactually posted in Financial Accounting in the current fiscal year,rather than the planned depreciation.
      Posted Values tab page, Depreciation Planned/Posted subscreen
      The Depreciation Planned/Posted table shows a breakdown ofdepreciation by period. The status indicates whether the depreciation isstill planned only, or it has actually been posted. The table lists bothregular posting periods as well as special periods (if there are any).
      Select a transaction line and choose Display Deprec. Log in orderto see the log for that depreciation posting run.
      Comparisons tab page
      On this tab page, you can display and compare up to five differentdepreciation areas for one or more fiscal years.
      Parameters tab page
      On the Parameters tab page, you see the depreciation terms used,such as the depreciation key, useful life, and index specifications.
      If you switch on the simulation mode, then certain fields on this tabpage become ready for input. You can change these fields to simulatedepreciation with different terms. This triggers a recalculation ofdepreciation. The system then displays the simulated values directly inthe Asset Explorer.
      Additional Functions
      You can set up standard reports with your own variants so that these canbe called directly from the Asset Explorer. Choose Goto -> MaintainReports.
      You should be aware that the Asset Explorer has certain limitations inits simulation functions and in displaying all subnumbers for a mainnumber. For more information, refer to the SAP Library documentation forthe Asset Explorer.

      Start the Asset Explorer and enter a company code and a fixed assetnumber.

1365385AW01N - Checking period authorization (tax auditor)
1398629AW01N - Displaying time-dependent depreciation terms
1603145Error in depreciation calculation in a shortened fiscal year
1451307Restrictions when using time-dependent depreciation terms
1464165AW01N - Runtime error TAB_ILLEGAL_SORT_ORDER
1115841AW01N - Display expired useful life (add. to Note 1021326)
1268935AW01N - incorrect proposed fiscal year
1177456AW01N - displaying current fiscal year
1136848AW01N - Check period authorization
1169730AW01N - Check period authorization (supplmt to Note 1136848)
1021326AW01N - Display of expired useful life and remaining life
1094826List trees with header lines not displayed correctly
1010159Asset Explorer - incorrect display of posted values
1062934AW01N: Error when you display the depreciations posted
897854Missing authorization default values for RATRACE0N
1006741AW01N: Display of errors in new depreciation calculation
918376AW01N - Displaying expired useful life
916285AW01N: Transaction terminates with error message FGV002
905979Error AA689 for determining period depreciation
798571AW01N: Errors from deprec. calculation not displayed (II)
773639AW01N: Creating texts again from table T093S
415157AS02: Business area stored in spite of termination
550092AW01N: with different period controls FI and FI-AA
543182AW01N: Errors from depreciation calculation not displayed
590991Asset Explorer: Error during check of period authorization
430684Depreciation of Subsequent Acquisitions
559935AW01N: Log for tax auditors empty
551371Tax reduction law FI-AA: log for reporting
383510Display of posted values in reporting and AW01N
480558AA_AFABER_DELETE deletes area 00 from T093S
515571AW01N: Incorrect remaining life with shortened fiscal years
495360Transantion AW01N terminates directly after call
383077BBS: Calling up the transaction does not work
139666 Incorrect asset values are displayed
460548 AW01N: Depreciation areas are not displayed
6066Settling quantities not possible, LVA -> AA615
121433Missing texts in asset value display
412834Followup note derived depreciation area and direct posting
399549AW01N short dump