Programme SAP ASCORRINDX - Adjust database indexes for archive information structures

The program ASCORRINDX can be used to create, change and delete databaseindexes for archive information structures, without having to delete andrebuild the infostructures completely. You can use a test run to check,whether the definition of the database indexes in the ArchiveInformation System corresponds to the indexes created in the datadictionary.
In Customizing of the Archive Information System you can create databaseindexes for infostructures. However, these indexes are only incorporatedinto the definition of the generated table ("ZARIX table") if this tableis newly created. In other words, if you want to create a new index foran active infostructure or if you want to change or delete an index foran active infostructure, you must generally deactivate theinfostructure, delete the corresponding table, then reactivate theinfostructure and rebuild it.
Especially the building of infostructures that have been active for sometime can take a long time, because a lot of archived data has to beread. The program ASCORRINDX helps you avoid this.


  • Change the definition of the database indexes according to your
  • requirements. This can be done in Customizing of the Archive InformationSystem (transaction SARJ) via the function Goto -> DatabaseIndex. Here you can create a new index for an infostructure, ordelete or change existing indexes.
    For more information see Application Help.
    • Then start the program ASCORRINDX. The parameters of the program have
    • the following meaning:
      Archive Infostructure: Here you can limit your action to specificinfostructures.
      Test Mode: If you select this field, then the program does notexecute any changes. It runs through all the checks (insofar aspossible), and then produces a log showing the information as if theprogram had run in production mode.
      • After the program has finished, you receive a log about which
      • infostructures were checked or changed and their database indexes. Inthis log you can see whether changes were necessary and whether thesechanges were executed.

        The program ASCORRINDX synchronizes the index definitions in tableAIND_STR8 with the database indexes of the generated ZARIX tableaccording to the data dictionary. This can cause new database indexes tobe created, which can lead to longer runtimes if you have large datavolumes. However, these runtimes are by far shorter than those you couldexpect if you completely rebuilt your infostructures.

697317Changing database index f. info structure w/o reconstruction
908714PAYMORDER: Poor performance in archived prenotes display