Programme SAP ARLNK_SET_EOL_REFERENCES - Set References for ArchiveLink Entries from External Systems

This report is valid in the Retention Warehouse environment andcorresponds to the reports ARLNK_SET_PROXYS_ALDOCUMENTS and ARLNK_SE
T_PROXYS_PRINTLISTS in the Retention Management scenario. It treatsArchiveLink-linked documents and prints lists equally.
You use this report to create references to ArchiveLink-linked documentsthat were created via ArchiveLink by SAP systems to be deactivated andthat were made known to Retention Warehouse in the reportARLNK_MOVE_META_REMOTE. The references are also created in the storagesystem and are used to support retention periods and legal holds. Thisensures physical protection against the destruction and deletion of databy the storage system. The references are created via the WebDAVinterface in the storage system.

The entries in the ILM-specific temporary ArchiveLink link tablesARCHLNK_TOAXY and ARCHLNK_TOAAR are the standard entries. You must firstfill these tables from the source system. The reportARLNK_MOVE_META_REMOTE is available for this. This report must be availa
ble in the system to be decommissioned.


Document type

Linked documents only (attachments).

Print lists
Print lists only


SID of the original system
System ID of the original system

Client of the original system
Client of the original system

Content Repository ID

Flow control

Test mode
The references are not created.

Detailed log
Success messages are not displayed in aggregated form.