TOP ENDTOP TOP ENDTOP BOTTOM ENDBOTTOM BOTTOM ENDBOTTOMPurpose You use this report to propagate legal holds to ADK files that werecopied to the storage system. This ensures physical protection againstthe destruction of data by the storage system. The storage system musthave an ILM-certified interface. Integration Legal holds are set by the user for individual business objects (BORobjects). However, in the storage system this protection affects theentire ADK file containing the object. The entries in the LHM_PROPAGATE database table are the standardentries. This table is filled in the following cases: 1. When you save a legal case, provided the object is in a file that hasalready been stored 2. When you copy an ADK file to the storage system, provided a legalhold was set for the corresponding object before storage The report is intended to be scheduled periodically as a background job. Selection Test Mode> The protection against destruction and deletion of data is not set inthe storage system. Detailed Log> Success messages are not displayed in aggregated form. |