Programme SAP AD02ACTV - Activity Allocation Conversion

Program to allocate actual activity costs from historical data. Theinput can be either an EXCEL spreadsheet or a sequential file thatresides in the UNIX box. If an EXCEL file is used, the program must berun online. A sequential file can run in batch or online.

Input can be from EXCEL spreadsheet using structure AD02ACTREC or froma sequential file using structure AD02SQFILE. The required fields aresending cost center, receiving object, activity type, activityquantity, activity unit, document date.
NOTE: all character fields except for the description must be in uppercase.
EXCEL FILE with Tab Delimited type. Most fields should have TEXT astype including date which is DD.MM.YYYY. The controlling area fieldshould include all characters (e.g. '0001' not '1'). The price &quantity fields should be numeric with 2 decimal places.
SEQUENTIAL FILE should have fields which may be numeric or character.Numeric would be right justified and character is left justified. Thequantity and price fields have implied 2 decimal places (that means noperiod for decimal is allowed). The date field is numeric with formatYYYYMMDD. If any numeric field is not used (i.e date/price), ALL ZEROSare required. Unlike an EXCEL file where the format is much more userfriendly, a sequential file must have all characters accounted forbased on AD02SQFILE structure.

An error message report, a sucessful posting report, and a failureposting report are created after the run.