Programme SAP ACE_SOP_REVERSAL_POSTING - Reverse Periodic Provision Postings

You can use this program to reverse periodic provisions postings.
Normally, it is not necessary to reverse accrual postings, asprovisions postings are calculated anew during the next posting run:
When a provisions posting is made, the difference to the values postedin the past is always posted.
It can make sense to reverse provisions postings if a posting has beenmade for the wrong key date.

Note that the reversal is shown as an inverse posting in Accounting:Account determination and determination of account assignments arecarried out again if a reversal is made, based on the Customizingsettings at the time of reversal.
This means that unexpected results can arise if Customizing settingsare changed between the posting being made and the reversal, or if thebasic data in the Accrual Engine is changed during this period.

It is only ever possible to reverse complete posting runs.