Programme SAP ACAC_BASISDATA_SEL_FOR_MAIN - Accrual Objects

You can use this program to display, change or create basic data in theAccrual Engine.

To restrict the amount of basic data displayed, you can make entries inthe restrictive selection criteria on the initial screen.
The data displayed is time-dependent:
When basic data is changed, the change history is stored in the AccrualEngine.
Data is therefore displayed with reference to a given date:
Data is displayed that is valid on the date in question.

The basic data is presented as follows:
The left half of the screen displays a list of accrual objects. Thislist has a hierarchical structure (tree): The characteristics thatuniquely define an accrual object are displayed as nodes in thishierarchy.
These characteristics are:
Company code
Accrual object category
Accrual object number
The structure of the hierarchy, that is the sequence of the individualnodes in the hierarchy, can be set using a "tree variant". Treevariants can be created in Accrual Engine Customizing.
The right half of the screen displays detailed information for theselected accrual object.