Programme SAP ABAP_CODEENGINEER_01 - SAP Enterprise Tomograph

The Enterprise Tomograph enables you to efficiently find and editor compare aspects in enterprise system landscapes.
Firstly, the Integrated Enterprise Indexing Engine creates anindex for a subject area. This index can be used as the basis for searchqueries, the results being the coding points identified. These can thenbe edited in mass processing (search and replace) or in individualprocessing (editor).
If the search result is too large, you can refine the hit listsuccessively to reduce the size. You can add search queries.
Another application is setting a multiple breakpoint. Using refinement,the search result is reduced until the required hit list is achieved. Amultiple breakpoint is then set in the hit list.
The Enterprise Tomograph makes the generic SAP Delta Operatoraccessible to the ABAP AES Platform (ABAP Advanced EfficiencyServices). Code differences can be determined between packagehierarchies in different systems. This makes it easy to check whetherthere are coding differences between two releases, or whether atransport has been imported, and so on.
A mass syntax check can be made for the sources identified.
The Enterprise Tomograph is based on JAET technology (Jan'sAffinity Engine Technology).
The Enterprise Tomograph supports DynaTagging. Software partswith DynaTags can be combined into units that belong togethersemantically. Architecture views can be defined in a subject area.DynaTagging enables you to organize complex software systems, regardlessof their technical structure.
You can search within these units (DynaTags).
This Advanced Efficiency Service makes a balanced compromise in themagic triangle:
Performance <-> Generics in UI Regarding Search Queries <->Resource Requirements (Main Memory)

For this Advanced Efficiency Service, the internal memory for usersessions needs to be of a sufficient size. For example, to index thebasis completely, around 3 GByte are required.
Note: This product, as a demo version with restricted functions,is the result of research and not part of the SAP license. Nomaintenance is provided for this product in the context of the SAPlicense agreement. A total liability disclaimer applies: Neither SAP northe author guarantee the relevance, correctness, completeness, orquality of the services provided by this product. Liability claimsagainst the author that refer to material damages caused by the use ornon-use of the services provided by this product in the SAP system areexcluded. The liability disclaimer particularly applies to potentialconsequential damages.
All services provided in this product are subject to change and withoutobligation. The author reserves the right to change, enhance, or removeparts of this product or the complete product without notice, or endpublication temporarily or permanently.
Jan Aalmink Walldorf, 10/06/2006