This report is an example to show how the archive write functionality ofdocument flow data can be triggered in an application's own archivewrite report. The respective functions of archiving class /SCMB/DF arecalled by ADK during running an archive write program, and theapplications have to call the function module /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_OBJECT inorder to pass selection data for document flow networks to be archived.Based on this selection the archiving class of document flow collectsall nodes of the network. In addition /SCMB/DF archiving class alsotriggers the SOBL archiving class to archive all links and linkattributes of the selected node objects.
This report serves exclusively example/testing purposes, to enableapplication developers to test and check, how the relevant functions ofthe archiving class /SCMB/DF are triggered!

This report is referenced in the archive object /SCMB/DF (you can checkin transaction AOBJ).
There are three related reports assigned to the same Archive Object inthe package /SCMB/FLOW_NET as examples for the other archivingfunctionalities:
The /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_DELETEdeletes Document Flow networks written into the selected archive filefrom the database.
The /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_READ reportreads the Document Flow entries from an archive session/file.
The /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_RELOADloads the content of the archive file into the database.

You have maintained the Customizing settings for
archive object /SCMB/DF and for
archiving class /SCMB/DF.

Document Flow network selection:
Document Number: the readable document number of the starting node ofthe networks.
Item Number: the readable item number of the starting node of thenetworks (if valid).
Document Category: Category of the starting node.
Evaluation Direction: direction in which the network needs to be read(forward, backward or both).
Depth Forward: number of succeeding nodes to be read from the network.
Depth Backward: number of preceding nodes to be read from the network.
Completeness: read complete network in the defined directions anddistances or only direct predecessors and successors of the startingnode.
Delete Network: this flag indicates, if the selected networks need to beflagged for deletion or not. If not, then a subsequent
delete report run will not removedata from the database written into the archive.
You can select similar networks for archiving in one run: the type ofthe starting node and the extent of the network is the same.
The report can be started in 2 modes:
Test mode: the document flow networks subject for archiving is onlycounted and reported to the user.
Productive mode: the document flow networks selected based on thesettings are written into archive and record counters of the individualwritten structures are displayed. Also a count of the link and linkattribute data records written into the archive by the SOBL archivingclass is displayed.

Result of writing into archive is displayed.

1326859Document Flow Archiving Examples