Programme SAP /SAPSMOSS/RQMELL10 - Single-Level List - Quality Notification

Using this report, you can generate a list of quality notificationsthat you can display or change.

Quality notifications exist in the system.

List and list variant
The system creates a list according to the selection criteria you havespecified on the selection screen. For performance reasons, you shoulduse a list variant.
Creating a list variant
On the list screen under Settings --> Display variants -->Current, select the desired fields.
Save the variant under Settings --> Display variants --> Save.
Result: You can select the variant on the selection screen.

If you selected a reference field on the selection screen underRef. field monitor, a traffic-light appears in the second columnof the list. You can select the following reference fields:
Processing priority

  • Highest,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,red light

  • Second highest,, ,, ,, ,,yellow light

  • Remaining,, ,, ,, ,, ,,green light

  • Time frame/notification deadline:
    • Lies in the future,, ,, ,,green light

    • Is current,, ,, ,, ,, ,,yellow light

    • Lies in the past,, ,, ,, ,,red light
    • List functions
      You can:

      • Sort a column in ascending or descending order

      • Set and delete a filter

      • Set columns for horizontal scrolling

      • Optimize the column widths so the columns are as wide as the longest
      • texts
        • Switch between the display and change modes using the display/change
        • function
          • Call up the associated notification, item, task, activity, or order
          • after you select an entry
            • These functions for evaluation use:

            • Graphics
              Schedule graphics (Goto)
              • Select additional fields (Settings --> Display variants -->
              • Current)
                • Set up a telephone connection if your PC has a telephone link (entered
                • in transaction SPHA). In this case, the system displays a pushbuttonwith a telephone. Depending on the selected entry, the system displaysthe caller's number, vendors, customers, person who made change,author, or person who created the notification.