Programme SAP /SAPPSPRO/RM08RL82 - Possible Entries for Purchasing Document

Which purchasing documents are offered?
A purchasing document is available in the possible entries if thefollowing is true for one of the items:

  • The item meets the selection criteria.

  • The "Goods Receipt" indicator is set for the item.

  • The "Invoice Receipt" indicator is set for the item.

  • The "Invoice Expected" indicator is set, and the quantity delivered is
  • greater than the quantity invoiced.
    • The purchasing document is either a purchase order or a scheduling
    • agreement.
      • The purchasing document is released.
      • Notes on Runtime
        The following entries will lead to a faster selection:

        • Document date of the purchasing document

        • Number of the purchasing document

        • Any additional information can accelerate the selection further.


          • All the items of the purchasing document are displayed, even if they are
          • not included in the selection on the basis of the plant or material.
            • Subitems cannot be transferred individually.