Programme SAP /SAPPCE/DPC_CHANGE_TAXCODE2 - Down Payment Chains - Delete Payment Block for Tax Rate Change

Due to the increase in sales/purchase tax in Germany, you have alreadyexecuted the report for creating tax rate change transactions andsetting payment blocks for the open items of the subsequent taxation.The report has been executed for one or more down payment chains thathave not been finally settled.
You want to remove the payment block for the open items of thesubsequent taxation for one or more down payment chains.
The following criteria lead to the removal of the payment block for theopen items of the subsequent taxation of a down payment chain:

  • Partial invoice is updated as a down payment request

  • An open item with the new tax code was paid in part or completely or itwas cleared.
    The Remove without Payment indicator has been set on the selectionscreen.
    • Partial invoice is updated as an invoice

    • An open item with the new tax code was paid in part or completely or itwas cleared.
      A final settlement has been created for the down payment chain.

      You have already executed the report for creating tax rate changetransactions and setting payment blocks for the open items of thesubsequent taxation.
      For debit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_DDeb. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change.
      For credit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_KCred. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change.

      For debit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_DDeb. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block.
      For credit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_KCred. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block.

      From the selection screen, you can select down payment chains based ondifferent criteria.
      The selection criteria are as follows:

      • Company code

      • Down payment chain number

      • Payment block you want to remove.

      • The Remove without Payment indicator only affects down payment chainswhere partial invoices are updated as a down payment request. Theindicator is required if there is no incoming payment for the open itemswith new tax codes before the final settlement is created. The openitems of the subsequent taxation must be cleared before the finalsettlement is created.
        The Test Run indicator is used to execute the program in test mode. Thepayment block is not removed from the open items of the subsequenttaxation.
        You can enter criteria that are used frequently to select down paymentchains on the selection screen and save them in a selection variant.Once you have made your selection, you see the list of open items fromwhich the payment block was removed.

        The application toolbar provides a number of standard functions such asDetails, Sort, Set and Delete Filter, Export, and various functions fordisplay variants.