Programme SAP /SAPCND/TST_MASTERDATA_UNIT - Generic unit Test for condition masterdata

This report is a stand-alone ABAP unit test report which will test thecommon/ highly used use cases of condition technique. The use casestested in this report are
Creation of condition records
Selection of condition records
Modification of condition records
Deletion of condition records
Overlap detection and resolution in condition records
Maintain the scales for the condition records.
Check for sequence number of condition supplement (KOPOS) in ConditionRecords
Overlap of Condition Records - without Select Call
The scope of the test will cater to multiple applications, multiplecondition maintenance groups in an application and multiple usages.
The above mentioned use cases are tested in sequential order and also inrandom order.

Condition technique business configuration objects must be available.This includes application, usages, tasks, condition maintenance groups,condition tables, condition types, field catalogs etc.


The output will be displayed in the standard ABAP unit test framework.

*SAP Internal only*,,
The master data required to create condition records is achieved byBADI's. The following BADI's are called in this report.
This BADI will return the condition maintenance groups for theapplication under process. If an application does not return anycondition maintenance group then the application is not considered forcondition technique ABAP unit test. This BADI needs be implemented bythe application if it want to take part in condition techniquemasterdata ABAP unit test.
This BADI will check if the usage is ready for testing, fill the usagefield values and the change values for the usage field which is used inmodification for condition records testing. This BADI needs beimplemented by the usage if it want to take part in condition techniquemasterdata ABAP unit test.
This BADI will fill the application field values which is used forcreating condition records. This BADI needs be implemented by theapplication to get its possible application field values which is usedin condition technique masterdata ABAP unit test.

The above mentioned use cases are tested in the class/SAPCND/CL_MASTERDATA_UNIT_SRV. For details please refer toclass documentation.