Programme SAP /SAPCEM/PL_USAGE_XPRA - Change Usage of Condition Table for ETM from J to 4

To change the usage character from J to 4 for the ETMcondition type.

Please check that you are not using usage type 4 for your ownapplication. This usage type is maintained in table T681V.
Caution: please check that you do not have to archive data for ETM PriceLists Condition Header (table: J_3GPRLHD, archiving object: /SAPCEM/06).
Please contact the archiving group before reloading the data into tableJ_3GPRLHD.

This XPRA replaces usage type J with the new usage type 4in the following tables:
A. Cross-Client Tables

  • T681V Conditions: Usages

  • T681W Conditions: Usage: Texts

  • T681 Conditions: Structures

  • T681E Conditions: Fast-Entry Fields

  • T681F Conditions: Allowed Fields Per Usage and Application

  • T681S Conditions: Fast Entry Types

  • T681T Conditions: Fast Entry: Texts

  • T681Z Conditions: Dependent Data for Application/Usage

  • T682 Conditions: Access Sequence

  • T682T Conditions: Access Sequences: Texts

  • T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)

  • T682Z Conditions: Access Sequences (Fields)

  • T180 Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values

  • TMC1 Generated DDIC Structures for LIS, Conditions, Output

  • TMC1T Short Texts on Generated DDIC Structures

  • TMC1K Key Elements in Generated DDIC Structures

  • B. Client-Specific Tables
    • T683 Pricing Procedures

    • T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts

    • T683S Pricing Procedure: Data

    • T683U Conditions: Procedure (Text)

    • T685 Conditions: Types

    • T685T Conditions: Types: Texts

    • J_3GPRLHD ETM Price Lists Condition Header
    • Example
      After having executed this report, all the ETM-specific condition tableswill have been renamed.
      Example for the settlement calendar: condition table for condition typeABRK, access sequence ABRK , which can be seen in the Data Browser byentering the table name KOTJ005. After executing this report, this tablehas the new name KOT4005. Here the character J has been replacedby the new character 4. The same changes apply for othercondition types, such as:
      FREI,,Release settlement calendar
      LKAL,,Filler calendar for performance-based equipment
      PRSL,,Price list

893159Upgrade ECC DIMP 600: Change Usage Type 'J' to '4' for ETM