Programme SAP /SAPCEM/PACHTABRECHNUNG - Lease Settlement

Using this report, you can start lease settlement. We recommend thatyou start this report in the background. If settlement is started in thebackground, the person who is specified as the recipient on theselection screen receives a mail displaying the CATT log afterexecution.

In resource-related billing below 4.0B, some restrictions must betaken into account:

  • Determination of the open items is for the fully settled work. For
  • leasing, this means the following:
    Within one period, the lease type is set to 2 in the equipment master.Within this period, CEM settlement is started and the PM order iscredited with EUR 1,000. Lease settlement is started and theadministrator of the PM order is debited with EUR 100.
    After settlement, the lease type is set to 4 (no leasing) and theadministrator of the PM order remains the same. In the next settlement,this order is credited again with EUR 1,000. In this period, no leasingis due, because the lease type is 4.
    The lease type is again set to 2 (dynamic lease) in the equipment masterand the administrator of the PM order is not changed. In thesettlement, the PM order is again credited with EUR 1,000. The leasenow calculates the following values: EUR 3,000 credit, of whichEUR 1,000 has already been settled through the lease settlement. Thisamounts to a sum to be settled of EUR 2,000 * lease percent.This is of course wrong, because EUR 1,000 became due in a period inwhich there was no lease.
    This means: Lease settlement may only be used, if there is aguarantee that the lease type will not be changed in a PM order.
    This issue has been solved in resource-related billing as of release4.5.

    Lease settlement in ETM uses resource-related billing. This means thatthe Customizing for resource-related billing has to be set.
    ETM lease settlement also uses the CATT tool. To use CATT in theclients, starting of CATT processes must be allowed inClient Maintenance.
    In resource-related billing in release 4.0B, every line item istransferred to an SD item. A combination of line items in the samecost element is only possible in 4.0B by using a User Exit. After 4.0B,this option is provided. This combination is however necessary forlease settlement. To use lease settlement, the customer must use thefollowing procedure:
    RESET N1
    Create project to enhance KSDIEX Create Project

    Assign the SAP enhancement KSDIEX01 to the project
    This enhancement has three function modules:
    This function module contains include ZXEBBU01. This include is in thecustomer namespace and is not provided by SAP. You have to create thisinclude. Thereafter, you can copy include/SAPCEM/EXIT_SAPLEBBS_001 and enhance it. Include the copy of/SAPCEM/EXIT_SAPLEBBS_001 into includeZXEBBU01. Customer-specific enhancement is necessary, because thissample coding only takes account of credits in the PM order. Forexample, it does not consider the cost element for leasing. Thisleasing must not be taken into account again in resource-relatedbilling.
    This function module contains include ZXEBBU02. This include is in thecustomer namespace and is not provided by SAP. You have to create thisinclude. Thereafter, you can copy the include/SAPCEM/EXIT_SAPLEBBS_002 and enhance it. You add the copy of/SAPCEM/EXIT_SAPLEBBS_002 to includeZXEBBU02.
    This function module contains include ZXEBBU03. This include is in thecustomer namespace and is not provided by SAP. You have to create thisinclude. Thereafter, you can copy include/SAPCEM/EXIT_SAPLEBBS_003 and enhance it. You add the copy of/SAPCEM/EXIT_SAPLEBBS_003 to includeZXEBBU03.
    Activate Project
    User Exit to enhance the SD item
    Report RV45HFZZ contains form routine userexit_inv_req_item. Inthis routine, you can make the customer-specific enhancements to theSD item. Copy the include/SAPCEM/RV45HFZZ_INV_REQ_ITEM. Add this copy to form routineuserexit_inv_req_item.
    User Exit MV45aFZZ
    Copy include /SAPCEM/EXIT_MOVE_TO_VBAK to a customer-specific include,where you then make the necessary changes. This exit contains thequery for order type leasing J3GP.If you use a different order type, change the corresponding query.Add this include to form routineuserexit_move_field_to_vbak.
    User Exit RV45hFZZ
    Copy include /sapcem/rv45hfzz_inv_req_item to a customer-specificinclude, where you make the necessary changes. In this exit, therequired ETM item fields, such as activity type, document type, datefrom, date to, and equipment number are entered. As customer-specificdata also has to be entered, you should copy the above include and addit to report RV45HFZZ in form routineuserexit_inv_req_item.
    The equipment usage in the administrator of the PM order field has tobe updated.
    See also: Equipment Usage

    Resource-related billing takes place for the PM orders that lie in thecorresponding period. If an owner-administrator switch takes placewithin a settlement period, this is taken into account if the ordernumber of the administrator changes. If this order number does notchange, it is currently not possible to distribute the lease withina settlement period to the alternating PM orders of the owner. However,this should not happen often. If collective orders are made for certaintools, and the tools have differing owners and administrators, it isnot possible to post the collective orders to different owner leases.
    In leasing, only line items are settled if they represent a credit forthe PM order (in the case of a cancellation of debits). All othersettlements are not taken into account.
    The period considered by resource-related billing is always the datefrom, which is calculated as follows:
    The date of the first time slice is taken from the equipment master forthe corresponding equipment number.
    The date to is always equal to the date of the last settlement.

    Equipment From To PM Order AdministratorLease Type Costs
    4711 01.01.1999 01.15.1999 500000 2
    4711 01.15.1999 02.28.1999 500001 2
    4711 02.28.1999 05.31.1999 500002 4
    4711 05.31.1999 12.13.9999 500000 2
    Settlement for January:
    Date Settl. Order Costs Lease % Lease Amt Total Order
    02.01.1999 500000 100.- 10 10 90.-
    02.01.1999 500001 200.- 10 20 180.-
    In this settlement for equipment 4711, both PM orders are debitedwith the corresponding lease costs. The settlement period used byresource-related billing is from 01.01.1999 to 02.01.1999.
    Settlement for February:
    Date Settl. Order Costs Lease % Lease Amt Total Order
    03.01.1999 500001 400.- 10 20 360.-
    In this settlement, the total costs (400.-) due in the selected period(01.01.1999 to 03.01.1999) are calculated. Also calculated (withoutreference to the period) is how much has been further settled (200.-).This results in a delta of EUR 200.-. This amount is the basis for theresource-related billing.
    Settlement for March:
    Date Settl. Order Costs Lease % Lease Amt Total Order
    04.01.1999 500002 200.- 200.-
    The settlement period for order 500002 is from 01.01.1999 to 04.01.1999.No leasing is due, because lease type 4 (no leasing) is set.
    Settlement for April:
    Date Settl. Order Costs Lease % Lease Amt Total Order
    05.01.1999 500002 400.- 400.-
    The settlement period for order 500002 is from 01.01.1999 to 05.01.1999.No leasing is due, because lease type 4 (no leasing) is set.
    Settlement for May:
    Date Settl. Order Costs Lease % Lease Amt Total Order
    06.01.1999 500002 600.- 600.-
    The settlement period for order 500002 is from 01.01.1999 to 06.01.1999.No leasing is due, because lease type 4 (no leasing) is set.
    Settlement for June:
    Date Settl. Order Costs Lease % Lease Amt Total Order
    07.01.1999 500000 200.- 10 10 180.-
    The settlement period for order 500002 is from 01.01.1999 to 07.01.1999.Costs of EUR 200.- are due for the order, of which EUR 100.- hasalready been settled (January settlement). The difference of EUR 100.-is settled and results in a value of EUR 10 when using a leasing rate of10%.