Programme SAP /SAPCEM/IND_CAP_CREATE - Create Individual Capacities for Equipment

Create individual capacities for equipment

Using this report you can create, activate, and deactivate individualcapacities for equipment. If work center requirements (for example,from Plant Maintenance or the Project System) should be used inplanning the equipment must be assigned to one or more classes(individual capacities). The relationship between individual capacityand the relevant work center is generated via th capacity type.(Transacion: /SAPCEM/IND_CAP_CRE).

In the CEM solution


Equipment Number (From - To)
Type of Tefchnical Object
Single Item/Multipart equipment ( 1 - Single Item - 2 Multipart)
Plannable ( _ - Plannable - 1 - Not plannable)

Success list after equipment check. The individual capacities arecreated, activated, deactivated using the save button.