Programme SAP /SAPCEM/CATALOGUE_INPUT - Data Transfer - Catalog Data

This report serves the DIRECT-INPUT of catalog data.

If you want to use DIRECT-INPUT, you must have defined a catalog underthe IMG node Define Catalog Code.
For catalogs with characteristic values, you also have to ensure thatthat catalog class and the appropriate characteristics exist and thatthe class/class type has been entered in the above IMG node.
The data can either be made available via an appropriate tool such asEXCEL (for example, for catalogs that have been self-defined) or viadata preparation programs (report /SAPCEM/INPUT_BGL91 for BGL91 data,report /SAPCEM/INPUT_BAL90 for BAL90 data).
A file with the following properties must exist for the data transfer:

  • The data is stored in ASCII format and separated within a record with
  • the TAB as separator (*.txt).
    • There are three different datat types within a data record:

    • #1,,catalog data
      #2,,text data
      #3,,characteristic data
      • You must enter data type #1, but the other two data types are optional.
      • Optional entries are displayed as such in the data type structures.
        • Data type #1: there is exactly one entry with the following structure
        • per data record
          Structure- / catalog number
          Interpolation indicator (space = can be interpolated, 'X' =cannot be interpolated)
          • Data type #2: there can be any number of entries with the following
          • structure per data record:
            Language indicator (e.g. D for German, E for English)
            Catalog Text
            BOM text, only to be recommended for CEM BOM catalogs
            The catalog text is the descriptive text that is assigned to thenumbers in the catalog in the catalog structure display.
            The BOM text is a shortened description of the numbers in the catalogthat is displayed in the BOMs.
            Only the catalog text has to be defined for the catalog structure. Itis not absolutely necessary to define a catalog structure for acatalog, but it helps.
            When the BGL91 is converted, the catalog text for the catalog ebtriesis determined either via the text file included, if there is none, itis copied from the BOM text.
            For a CEM BOM catalog that you defined yourself, both the catalog textand the BOM text should be defined for the catalog entries. Entering atext after the language indicator is always valuated as catalog text,only subsequent text entry would mean the BOM text.
            • ,,Data type #3: there can any number of entries with the following
            • structure per data record:
              Characteristic name
              Characteristic value


              The catalog indicator, the file name (with path) of the data file andthe transfer type (I = create, M = change) has to be entered on theselection screen. If you set the "Test run" indicator, only a data testtakes place and the data error or data information, if the processingis successful, is returned. If this indicator is not set, the data isalso updated.

              Structure entry with two languages:
              #1,,123 ,,,,#2,,D,,Überschrift,,,,#2,,E,,title
              Catalog entry with structure text and BOM text and a characteristic
              #1,,12345,,,,#2,,D,,Test record,,TEST,,,,#3,,VALUE,,2,6
              Catalog entry without text and with a characteristic