Description Conditions: Archiving of Condition Records (Delete Database Records) Archiving of condition records uses the 'ARCHIVE DEVELOPMENT KIT' (ADK) Use transaction 'SARA' for archiving. However, you can call separate programs and in this way archive recordsindividually. The following programs have been created for archiving: RV130001: Create archiving objects in an archive Program documentation> RV130002: Physical deletion of database records for archiving objects that havebeen created using RV130001 RV130003: Option of reloading to the database for archiving objects that havebeen created using RV130001 and physically deleted using RV130002. Program documentation> This program should always be run directly after RV130001 so that thearchived condition records are deleted in a timely fashion from thedatabase. This is done with transaction 'SARA'. If you start the program manually, the system displays all the archiveddata that has not yet been physically deleted from the database.You have the following options:
- Test run (without deletion):
If you set this indicator, database entries are not physically deletedfrom the database. When you start the run using transaction SARA, the parameter istransferred from RV130001.