Programme SAP /POSDW/RLPA_PROCESS_INIT_PTN - LPA : Historical Data Loading for New Patterns with Initial Status

This report searches for fraudulent transactions among POS transactionswith particular combinations of Profile, Store ID, and Business Date. Itsearches for patterns with an Initial status only, and then converts thestatus of these patterns to Active.

A pattern ZABC exists with the status Initial. It is based on the itemscan rate template, the pattern only considers transactions with an itemcount greater than five as fraudulent transaction.
If you execute a report for the date 01-01-2001and the store ID R110then all the transactions with this combination of date and ID will gothrough the pattern ZABC. Transactions with an item count greater thanfive are identified as fraudulent and are moved to the delta queue.Thestatus of the pattern is changed from Initial to Active.
If you try to execute the report once again it will not work, as thestatus of pattern ZABC is now Active.