Programme SAP /POSDW/DISPLAY_MODIFICATIONS - Audit Report for Transaction Logs

Audit Report is used to track the manual changes done to the POStransactions along with the information pertaining to the newly createdtransaction for various origins like
POS Workbench
XML File
IDOC Processing
RFC Module
SOA Service
There are various parameters related to transaction header or theinformation related to creation of POS transaction which acts as afilter to get the desired result of the report.
There are multiple display options to identify the kind of informationto be projected on the Audit Report including the data from the archiveas well.
Different kinds of reports possible:
1),,Manual modifications at the POS transaction fields.
2),,Manual changes in the task status of a transaction.
3),,POS transactions created manually.
Display options section can be used to combine any of the above possiblereports together along with the data retrieval from the archive.