Programme SAP /LIME/BACKGROUND_DELETE_EXEC - Delete Obsolete Table Entries

This program deletes obsolete table entries in the index tables and inthe quantities table /LIME/QUAN.

Deleting entries in the index tables is non-critical. The informationabout the index is still available after deleting in the correspondingshadow tables.
The entries in the corresponding shadow tables are archived in thesystem.

The program first deletes the obsolete entries in the management tablefor the quantities /LIME/QUAN, as long as zero quantities areconcerned. This step is always carried out when the program is executed.
The program allows entries in the index tables to be deleted if they areno longer required. If they are no longer required, this means here thatthe corresponding index in the LIME hierarchy does not have sublocations
, lower-level HUs or stocks that do not equal the zero stock. Beforedeletion, the program checks whether in LIME Customizing automaticdeletion for the in dex table concerned is allowed; see Customizingactivity Determine Index Tables (
The program executes the following steps: First, all stock indices aredeleted if there is no more stock that does not equal zero. Then the HUsare deleted if they do not have stocks or any lower-level HUs. Inanother step, the locations that do not include stocks, HUs, norsublocations are deleted.

Deletion of the zero quantities is always executed and can therefore notbe deselected by the user.
You can specify the numbers of the analyzing index tables for each indextable type.
With the maximum hierarchy level, you determine how often a deletionattempt for locations and/or HUs is to take place. It is necessary toattempt deletion several times if you have a multi-level locationhierarchy, as in this case, the sublocation must be deleted first,before the higher-level location can be deleted.
Deletion creates a Prima Nota with process type ADMI(Reorganization/Administration). You can select the maximum size of thedocuments and the external document number from the selection screen.

The program issues a log about the processing. In particular, the numberof selected records is issued, that are important for deletion.Furthermore, the system logs errors that appear during the deletionattempt.