Programme SAP /KYK/EXPORT_ROLES_TO_EXCEL - Export Roles in the R3 system to an Excel Sheet

Info: Kindly select the Role(s) which you want to export to the excel inthe input field 'Role(s)'. You could export multiple Roles by using thewild card ( '*' ).
In the field 'New Roles File Location' specify the location where youwant the new file to be stored.
In case you want to merge existing data in Roles Excel into the new one,choose the path of the existing Roles excel in the 'Existing RolesSource File' (some column entries (BPP, Auth. Maint.By) from this excelwill be merged into the new excel.
Kindly close existing roles source file and the new roles file if exist.If the files are open then exceptions will be raised.