Programme SAP /ISDFPS/STB_SELECTION_LM - Select Technical Objects

The report selects technical objects in the status board.

The relevant master and transaction data must be available in the systemso that technical objects can be selected and displayed in the statusboard.

You can select three types of technical object together with theirassociated transaction data:

  • Equipment

  • Functional Location

  • Enhanced Equipment

  • In the Technical Obj. Type field in the Settings area onthe selection screen, you can define which of these three types you wantto select. The associated transaction data, such as notifications,orders, and revisions, can be determined for:
    • The actual object selected

    • The selected technical object and all of its lower-level objects, or

    • All lower and higher-level technical objects

    • You can make this setting in the Explosion field, in which thefollowing three entries are available: None, Downward, and Downward andUpward.

      To display all the equipment, together with its direct transaction data,created by user A, select Equipment as the technical object type.Branch to the standard selection screen for the equipment by choosingMultiple Selection for the equipment number and then MultipleSelection in the dialog box that appears. Enter user A in theCreated by field and transfer the selected equipment to themultiple selection on the selection screen in the status board.