Programme SAP /ISDFPS/PM_DOCS_BY_ORMNT - Maintenance Documents for Maintenance Relationship

This report displays open maintenance documents (orders, notifications)where theresponsible work center has been derived on the basis of a maintenancerelationship.

The selection parameter Maintenance Relationship is mandatory.The ORID identifier of a maintenance relationship available in thedatabase table /ISDFPS/ORMNT must be entered.An input help function is provided for this purpose.
The selection parameters Notification Display and OrderDisplay can be used to specify which type of maintenance document(notifications or orders) is to be displayed.
You can use the Open Documents, Documents inProcess, Closed Documents, and Historical/Reset Documentscheckboxesto restrict or extend the number of maintenance documents to bedisplayed, depending on their status. Open documentsand documents in process are displayed by default.

The selected maintenance documents are displayed in the form of an ALVgrid. You can use the forward navigation function to go tothe detail and/or edit screen for an individual document.