Programme SAP /ISDFPS/PM_CP_GENER - PM Change Authorization - Initial Setup

You use this report to set up change authorizations for the first timeafter distributed maintenance has been activated.
All distributed maintenance objects displayed are run consecutively. Ifa distribution object (such as an item of equipment) has been processedsuccessfully and the corresponding change authorizations saved, thisstatus is saved. The equipment cannot be taken into account again.
You usually call this report only once. Calling it again leads to errormessages. Only if the report is terminated should you restart the reportto process objects that have not yet been processed.
The selection parameter 'Execute if Entries Exist' serves the followingscenario:
- PM objects have been created
- Distributed maintenance has been activated
- Additional PM objects were then created
The report establishes whether change authorizations have already beenwritten for the respective PM object. Since the report has not yet beenrun, it cannot determine whether objects without change authorizationexist in the system. Using the parameter mentioned above, you can runthe report for the respective object even if change authorizationexists.

The report must be carried out if distributed maintenance objects werecreated in the system before distributed maintenance was activated.
The report can be carried out in the central system only.
Never execute the report if any of the current PM objects are notlocated in the central system.

If these prerequisites are met, carry out the report.