Programme SAP /ISDFPS/MATMAS_COPY - Copy Material Master Data

Creation of material master in Structures Workbench using references

The maintenance of material master data is called at different points intime:

  • From the Structures Workbench: In the force element for which material
  • master data is to be created, you can click on the Create MaterialMaster Data button on the Stock/Provisions tab page.
    • From background processing for changes in the Structures Workbench: If
    • material planning objects (MPOs) or material packages are assigned to aforce element, a change entry is updated. These change entries areprocessed at regular intervals using the report/ISDFPS/FDP_CHANGES_EXECUTE. Here, material master data is created forthe materials of the MPOs and material packages that are assigned to thechanged force element.
      • From background processing for material changes in MPOs and material
      • packages: As for assignment changes in the Structures Workbench, changeentries are also written for material assignments, which can also beprocessed using report /ISDFPS/FDP_CHANGES_EXECUTE.
        • From the framework for follow-up activities for the change to a force
        • element status.

          The basis for creating material master data for a force element(Reference Force Element field) is a reference force element (ReferenceForce Element field) for which the relevant material master views havealready been maintained. If a reference does not exist, for example inbackground processing, then BADI /ISDFPS/MATMASSRCDET can be used tospecify a reference.

          Depending on the Schedule Background Job indicator, the report can bestarted either in online mode or as a batch job in backgroundprocessing.
          On the selection screen, you must enter an MRP controller (which iscopied to the material master data), in addition to the reference forceelement and the target force element for which the material master datais to be created.
          First, the current plant and storage location in the Stock Elementsubscreen are read, if this information was entered. If not, the methodGET_SOURCE_FORCE of the aforementioned BADI is called to determine areference element.
          Then, the reference values (plant, storage location, distribution chain)can be overridden in the method GET_SOURCES_FROM_FORCE.
          Master data for stock is then created, followed by master data forprovisions.

          Create master data for stock
          First, the values that are relevant for logistics are determined for thetarget force element: the target plant, target storage location (fromthe Stock subscreen) and distribution chain assigned to the storagelocation.
          The materials for all the MPOs assigned to the target force element arethen determined. (If the report is called via change management ofreport /ISDFPS/FDP_CHANGES_EXECUTE with a single MPO, only the materialsassigned to this MPO are determined.)
          The following is then carried out in a loop over the materials:

          • If the target distribution chain is empty, it is determined using the
          • method GET_TARGET_SALES of the aforementioned BADI.
            • If the target plant is empty, it is determined using the method GET_
            • SOURCE_PLANT of the aforementioned BADI.
              • If the source distribution chain is empty, it is determined using the
              • method GET_SOURCE_SALES of the aforementioned BADI.
                • The source data used as a reference and the target data to be created
                • for the material views are reported in the application log.
                  • The sales views for the specified materials are created based on the
                  • source data using the function module /ISDFPS/MATMAS_PLANT_SLOC.
                    The following is then carried out in another loop over the materials:
                    • If no reference data is transferred (i.e. either the reference force
                    • element is not transferred, or a combination of plant and storagelocation does not exist as a reference), the reference data isdetermined using the method GET_SOURCE_SLOC (stock type = S for stock)of the aforementioned BADI.
                      • The plant and storage location views for the specified materials are
                      • created based on the source data using the function module/ISDFPS/MATMAS_PLANT_SLOC.

                        Create master data for provisions
                        The materials for all the material packages assigned to the target forceelement are determined. (If the report is called via change managementof report /ISDFPS/FDP_CHANGES_EXECUTE with a single PPA, only thematerials assigned to this PPA are determined.)
                        The following is then carried out in a loop over the materials:

                        • The locations assigned to the MRP area are read for the target force
                        • element storage entered as such on the Provisions subscreen.
                          • The following are carried out in a loop across all assigned storage
                          • locations of the target MRP area:
                            For the target storage location and target plant (more precisely, thereceiving plant in the target MRP area), the system reads thedistribution chain assigned to the storage location. If a distributionchain is not entered here, it can be determined with the methodGET_TARGET_SALES.
                            If a reference force element exists, the method GET_SOURCES_FROM_FORCEis called in order to determine or overwrite the reference plant,reference storage location, and distribution chain.
                            If there is no reference plant and no reference storage location, thereference data is determined using the method GET_SOURCE_SLOC (stocktype = P for provisions) of the aforementioned BADI.
                            If there is no distribution chain, the reference data is determinedusing the method GET_SOURCE_SALES (stock type = P for provisions) of theaforementioned BADI.
                            The source data used as a reference and the target data to be createdfor the material views are reported in the application log.
                            The distribution chain views, plant and storage location views for thespecified materials are created based on the source data using thefunction module /ISDFPS/MATMAS_PLANT_SLOC.
                            • The MRP area data for the material is then created. If there is no
                            • reference force element, method GET_SOURCE_MRP_AREA is used to determinea reference MRP area and reference plant. If a reference MRP area isdetermined, the system uses this data, otherwise it uses that from thereference plant.
                              • The MRP controller, which can be specified when the report is called,
                              • can be changed or redetermined using the method GET_TARGET_MRP_AREA, ifan MRP controller was not transferred.
                                • The material views are then created with the help of function module
                                • /ISDFPS/MATMAS_MRP_AREA.