Programme SAP /ISDFPS/HROM_POS_GENERATOR - Positions Generator for Contingent Planning

Generating Positions for Quota Planning

Starting from your planned required positions (entered as whole numbersor full-time equivalents, FTE), this report enables you to generate newpositions or set positions you do not need to obsolete.
If you enter FTEs rather than whole numbers, the system first generateswhole positions, or sets them to obsolete. The remainder (<1), can begenerated by maintaining infotype 1011 (working time) for a position.

You must have quota planning for at least one organizational unit.

Using this report you can generate positions based on executed quotaplanning as follows:
First, all newly planned positions for the relevant organizationalunit(s) are generated. For each organizational unit the system producesa list showing that additional positions have been generated.
If, however, quota planning requires a reduction of positions, thesystem shows for each organizational unit how many positions, expressedin FTEs, must be reduced.
For those organizational units where a reduction is required, all thepositions are listed. Via List -> Reduction, you reach adialog box in which you can make a position-specific entry regardingreductions (see also the Automatic Reduction parameter). Youdecide whether to specify a reduction for the entire validity period ofthe position in question (Reduce Until End of Position
), or for a limited period (Reduce for Limited Period) (seealso Example).


  • Using the Automatic Reduction parameter, you specify that the
  • system should not offer the user a dialog box for selecting whichpositions should be reduced. The quota of positions to be reduced,expressed as FTEs, is instead evenly spread over the existingpositions. For example, if 4 full-time positions are to be reduced to atotal of 3 FTEs, the system automatically reduces the FTE value foreach position to 0.75.
    If you select this parameter, the Reduce for Limited Periodoption is not available to you.
    • Using the Planning Type parameter, you can specify the planning
    • type in which positions should be generated.

      The system displays a list of all the organizational units for whichyou have performed quota planning. The user can then decide whichorganizational unit(s) to generate positions for.

      In a given organizational unit, you want to reduce an existing requiredpositions quota of 3 full-time equivalents (FTE) to 2.5 FTE, but onlyfor the second quarter. For each of the other three quarters, therequired positions quota is 3 FTE. This report offers two alternativeways of achieving these figures:
      You use infotype 1011 (working time) to convert a particular positioninto a part-time position of 0.5 FTE from the beginning of the secondquarter, and choose Reduce until end of position. But, since theplanned required positions quota goes back up to 3 FTE at the beginningof the third quarter, you create a fourth position for that period ,that you give a value of 0.5 FTE in infotype 1011 (working time).
      The second option is to use infotype 1011 (working time) to reduce theFTE value of a particular position to 0.5, but only for the limitedperiod of the second quarter. In this case, you choose Reduce forlimited period.

      Unoccupied positions marked as obsolete are immediately delimited, thatis, the infotype 1014 (obsolete) is not maintained.
      Occupied positions and those marked as obsolete are counted in full inthe existing required positions.

      Further notes
      Independently of the WORKT FTEP switch (determining the value of afull-time equivalent (FTE)) in table T77S0, positions are alwaysgenerated based on infotype 1011 (working time). This is because whenthe positions are generated, it is not yet known which employees(persons) will occupy which positions and which capacity utilizationlevel (saved in infotype 0008 in Personnel Administration) theemployees (persons) have.
      For information on setting up quota planning, see the ImplementationGuide (IMG) under Organizational Management -> InfotypeSettings -> Quota Planning.