Programme SAP /ISDFPS/CUS_SELECTION_LM - Select Technical Objects

Short Description
Display maintenance data for a specific technical object (masterequipment/aircraft).

Selection of technical objects with their maintenance and revision datain order to restrict the data in the controlled usage rateapplication.

The corresponding master and transaction data must be available in thesystem in order for it to be selected and displayed in table and chartform in the controlled usage rate application.

You can select the following objects to identify and localize technicalobjects with the corresponding transaction data:
Functional location
Force element
Identifier (such as tail number)
These selection criteria are mandatory, which means that you mustmake an entryin at least one of these fields in order to use thecontrolled usage rate application. Inaddition to the technical object, you have to specify an inspection type(under "Maintenance Task").You then define these inspection typesin a maintenance dialog, such as 3PE, every 1,200 operating hours. Youcan use the selection fields for maintenance and revisiondata to limit thehit list accordingly. These fields are optional.
You can use the "Technical Object Type" field in the "Settings" area todefine further restrictions. You can determine the correspondingtransaction data, such as revisions:
For the selected object itself
For the selected technical object and all its subordinate objects
For all superior and subordinate technical objects
You configure this setting in the "Explosion" field, which supports thethree values "None," "Downward," and "Downward and Upward."
You can also define selection variables.

To display all the equipment that belongs to maintenance plan xyz,select technical object type "Equipment" and maintain the requiredcriteria in the selection fields to identify and localize the equipment.You also select the appropriate maintenance plan in the correspondingfield. You can then start the selection to display the table overview.