Programme SAP /ISDFPS/ACCMDGEN - Generation and Assignment of CO Account Assignment Object

You use this activity to carry out CO account assignment objectgeneration and assignment.

The attributes Country, Organizational Area, Structure Level From, andStructure Level To are used to define whether object generation/object inheritance is to be carried out for the force element inquestion for the account assignment/hierarchy object.
The rules are defined in Customizing activityControl: Master Data Generation - Accounting

You are using EA-DFPS

In the force element, you defined the following attributes on theProperties tab page:
-,,Country: 1
-,,Organizational Area: 1
-,,Structure Level From: 1
-,,Structure Level To: 5
In the Customizing activity, you defined the following for thecombination 1, 1, 1-5 andobject type K = cost center:
-,,Activity: 1 (generate)
In the Customizing activity, you defined the following for thecombination 1, 1, 6-10 andobject type K = cost center:
-,,Activity: 0 (inherit)
If CO master data generation is carried out, cost centers are generatedfor all selected force elements with attribute combination A. Forceelements with combination B inherit the cost center of the superiorforce element.
The setting is made per object type. At least one entry must exist foreach of the 4 object types (cost center, profit center, cost centergroup, profit center group). Inheritance can take place across severalstructure levels. It can be interrupted any number of times as a resultof generation and then continued on the basis of the generated object.Multiple switching (generation/inheritance) is possible.