Programme SAP /IBS/DRB_ENTWICKLUNG - RBD: Development List, Development Reserve for Bad Debt Position

You can use the development list to display the value adjustmentposition for one or more RBD accounts. The following describes theindividual tab pages:

Development List Per Account
The system displays the totals for the flow type groups (interest,charges and capital) for each account. Subtotals for RBD classes andflow type groups are formed separately for each account. Information isalso displayed for the balance usage, clearing, appropriation andreclassification.

Development List (Total)
The system lists the amounts for the flow type groups (interest, chargesand capital) and RBD classes (IVA or FIVA) for the RBD accountsselected. Subtotals for RBD classes and flow type groups are formed forevery account.

The system displays all of the postings for the accounts selected for aspecified period. A subtotal is formed for each account.
The columns local currency, local currency and exchange rate areincluded for information purposes. If an exchange rate is displayed hereit means that you have entered it online. If the local currency field isfilled here, it means you have entered the local currency online. Inthis case the system does not determine the exchange rate but posts thetransaction with the local currency amount.
The local currency field is only filled if an exchange rate or a localcurrency amounts has been entered by a user online. In this case thesystem determines the local currency from an extractor from the postingsystem. These three fields are normally not filled by the system but bymanual entries in the RBD account. If the display currency specified forthe development list is the same as the local currency determined thedisplay amount is calculated using the exchange rate or if a localcurrency amount exists this is adopted.
If the fields local currency, local currency amount and exchange rateare not filled, the system determines the RBD posting date for therelevant record for the exchange rate using the SAP currency table anduses this for the display amount.

The system displays all accounts corresponding to the selectioncriteria. You can see information about the account, for example whetherit is locked, whether it can be posted to automatically and whether ithas been flagged for deletion.

Planned Records
The system displays all of the open planned records that correspond tothe selection criteria. You cannot restrict the observation period forthis selection. (See Selection). The system displays subtotals for eachaccount.

Exchange Rates
Every posting record or planned record has a transaction currency and atransaction amount. You can extend the planned records and postingrecords (actual records) as regards an exchange rate in local currencyor by a local currency amount using the RBD entry screen. The local cu
rrency is determined using an extractor from the linked posting system.If the transaction currency and local currency are the same you cannotadjust the exchange rate or the local currency amount.
If the transaction currency is the same as the display currency for thedevelopment list the transaction amounts are adopted as the displayamounts automatically.
If the display currency is the same as the local currency and exchangerates or local currency amounts have been entered at record level thesystem calculates the display amount from these fields or adopts theamounts accordingly.
If the display currency does not correspond to either the transactioncurrency or the local currency (or the exchange rate or local currencyamount is not filled) the system determines the exchange rate for theRBD posting date (for planned records for the planned posting date)using the linked SAP Standard modules and calculates the display amount.

Valuation Methods
You can display all of the records or restrict the display to therecords for a specific valuation method.


You must enter an observation period and the display currency. You donot have to enter the RBD display currency however. This means that thesystem can select all accounts with any currency but they are alldisplayed in one currency, such as the euro.
You can select a radio button to determine whether you want to displayactive, inactive or all accounts.
Focus of the development list: Here you can select whether only theactual RBD postings are considered or whether the RBD planned recordsshould also be included. This simulates the posting of the plannedrecords.
Planned record selection: You can select which RBD planned records youwant to include in the selection. .
Valuation methods: You can determine whether the postings or plannedrecords of a specific valuation method are displayed. If you do notenter a valuation method, the system displays all of the postings orplanned records.