Programme SAP /ISDFPS/RHAKTI00 - Change Object Status

The report changes the status for one or more objects and theirinfotypes in accordance with the entries in table T777F (assignment offunction codes to planning status).
Compared to the usual procedure(transaction PP01: Maintain Planning Data), the advantage of the reportis that it is possible to change the status of several objects (orobject types) and their infotypes simultaneously.
In addition, and in contrast to transaction PP01, the report cancomplete several steps of the planning procedural model in one operationand directly change an object status from Planned toActive, for example.

You have created 10 positions in status Planned and want tochange these positions to status Active. In this case, youselect the objects in questionand select the parameters relevant for thiscase:

  • Request planned records

  • Approve requested records

  • Activate approved records