Programme SAP EHSWAR_115_100 - Easy Entry

Easy Entry

With this report, you can create entry documents in WasteManagement or change existing entry documents by, for example,entering the waste quantity with a unit of measure.

If you want to change an existing entry document, you can useDocument overview to display a list of the entry documents thatmatch the chosen selection parameters. You can more information in thedocumentation for the report Entry DocumentList.
For each entry document that has been created or changed, a message isdisplayed telling you whether the data has been saved or changed.Errors are output with the message EHS_WA181 and explained in moredetail in the long text for the message.
Inventory management is not performed with this report.
If you change an existing entry document, you must not change theassignments of the waste,waste generator, or wastegeneration. If you still make corresponding changes, these are nottaken into account.
If you want to change the sequence and number of the selectionparameters, copy this report and change the selection parametersaccordingly. You can find the fields that can be used in the databasetable EHSWAT_ENTAM.

Proceed as follows to create an entry document:
For external number assignment, enter a key for the document.
Enter a waste generation or a waste and waste generator.
The waste generation entry has priority here. This means that if youenter both a waste generation and a waste and waste generator and thelatter deviate from the waste and waste generator for the wastegeneration, the system uses the data from the waste generation.
Choose Create entry document.
Choose a document category.
If required, enter a waste quantity and unit of measure and also anyadditional data for the entry document.
Proceed as follows to change an existing entry document:
Enter the entry document to be changed.
Enter the waste quantity and unit of measure and also any additionaldata, if required.
Choose Change existing entry document.

672687Fields in easy entry are not filled