Programme SAP EHSWAR_115_001 - Entry Document List

List Entry Documents

This report creates a list of entry documents according to the selectioncriteria specified.

You are authorized to display entry documents of the chosen documentcategory.


The following selection criteria are available:

  • Document

  • Document category

  • Document date

  • Waste generation

  • Document status

  • Entry documents are displayed in all statuses by default. If you specifya status as a selection criterion, only entry documents in this statusare displayed.

    You can control output during selection via the parameters in theScope of list screen area:

    • You can specify whether entry documents for which no waste quantity has
    • yet been entered should also be displayed.
      • You can specify whether the account assignment data for the entry
      • documents should be displayed.
        • You can specify the unit of measure with which entry documents should be
        • displayed. If you do not enter a unit of measure, the entry documentsare displayed with the unit of measure defined in the entry document.
          • You can specify whether the entry documents are sorted by the document
          • number or by the waste generation specified in the entry document.
            • Entry document

            • You access the detail view of the entry document. The data in entrydocuments that are marked for deletion is not displayed, however.
              • Waste

              • You access the material master in display mode.
                • Waste generator

                • You access the waste generator tab page in display mode in the WasteManagement master data.

672864Error when selecting a display variant
415748Corrections and improvements waste management EHS2.7B-SP01