Programme SAP EHSKR_EPM_ACTION_STATUS - List Industrial Hygiene and Safety Measures

Determining EH&S key figures:

  • Number of industrial hygiene and safety measures with a critical end
  • date
    • Number of industrial hygiene and safety measures with an exceeded end
    • date
      Depending on the parameter setting in the Planned End Date of SafetyMeasures group box, this report determines one of the EH&S keyfigures mentioned above.
      For more information about using selection parameters, see theSelection section.
      If the report is called in the background (batch mode), only the keyfigure value is determined, detailed information is not formatted.
      If the report is not called in the background, it provides a list of the industrial hygiene and safetymeasures that were determined using the selection parameters that youspecified.

      Authorization Check
      Missing authorizations can mean that the key figure cannot bedetermined, or that only the determined key figure is output. In thiscase, no detailed data is output. If you restrict the specifiedselection criteria such that only data for which you have authorizationis determined, the key figure is correctly determined and the detaileddata is output in the results table. An exception to the authorizationcheck is the HR master data check. If no personal data may be read,those fields remain blank.
      Authorization Objects
      The following authorization objects are required to determine this keyfigure in the key-figure-determining EHS system:

      • P_ORGIN (HR: Master Data)

      • PLOG (Personnel Planning)

      • P_APPL (HR: Applicants)

      • B_BUPA_RLT (Business Partner: BP Roles)

      • C_EHSI_WAH (EHS: Work Area Header)

      • C_EHSB_STA (EHS: Status of Objects)

      • C_EHSI_IAL (EHS: Incident/Accident Log)

      • C_EHSI_HAZ (EHS: Agent Type)
      • Features
        Results List

        • The results list outputs the following information for the determined
        • safety measures:
          • Safety measures (safety measure name)

          • Type of safety measure (name of safety measure type, for example,
          • organizational)
            • Safety measure for# (name of reference object # incident/accident log,
            • risk assessment, or work area)
              • Object key (for example, incident/accident log key)

              • Object name (for example, description of event)

              • Description (description of safety measure)

              • Status (name of safety measures status)

              • Planned end date

              • Planned end time

              • Type of safety measure (name of safety measure type)

              • Priority (name of priority)

              • Costs

              • Currency

              • Plant (assigned plant, for example, safety measure for an accident -->
              • plant assigned to this accident)
                • Plant name (name of plant)

                • Work area (assigned work area, for example, safety measure for an
                • accident --> work area assigned to this accident)
                  • Name (name of assigned work area)

                  • Type of work area (name of work area type)

                  • Personnel number for person responsible (personnel number of person
                  • responsible)
                    • Personnel group of person responsible (name of personnel group of person
                    • responsible)
                      • First name of person responsible (first name of person responsible for
                      • safety measures)
                        • Last name of person responsible (last name of person responsible for
                        • safety measures)
                          • Name of person responsible (full name of person responsible for safety
                          • measures)
                            You can additionally show the following information by adjusting thecolumn selection:
                            • Status (key of safety measures status)

                            • Sfty meas. type (key of safety measure type)

                            • Safety measure type (key of safety measure type)

                            • Priority (key of priority)

                            • Type (key of work area type)

                            • Reference object (abbreviation of reference object such as IAL for
                            • incident/accident log)
                              • Personnel group of person responsible(personnel group of person
                              • responsible for safety measures)
                                To call the detail view for a single safety measure, select theappropriate line and choose the Details pushbutton.

                                In the selection screen you can use the following parameters to restrictthe set of hits:

                                • In the Safety Measure Data group box you determine which safety
                                • measure types or safety measure status you want to consider.
                                  • In the Planned End Date of Safety Measures group box you
                                  • determine which period may contain the planned end date of the safetymeasures to determine.
                                    The Period in Days selection allows you to specify the timeinterval to consider in days from a certain date:
                                    For example, from date: 01/01/2006, period in days: 10 --> consideredtime interval: 01/01/2006 to 01/10/2006
                                    EH&S Key Figure: Number of Industrial Hygiene and SafetyMeasures with Critical End Date
                                    The Up to and Including selection determines all safety measureswhose planned end date is before the date specified as the Up to andIncluding parameter.
                                    EH&S key figure: Number of Industrial Hygiene and SafetyMeasures with an Exceeded End Date
                                    • In the Display Safety Measures From... group box you can set for
                                    • which reference objects the safety measures are determined. (Forexample, checkmark for incident/accident log --> only display safetymeasures for incident/accident log entries)
                                      • In the Selection of Safety Measures with Assignment to ... group
                                      • box the plant or work area to be considered can be restricted.
                                        Hint: Note that the plant can be entered independently of thework area for accident/incident log entries.
                                        • In the Display Options group box it is possible to set the title
                                        • of the results list and to predefine a layout variant for the resultslist.

                                          This report is provided without a report variant.
                                          However, you can create your own variants to save the parameter settingsthat you require.
                                          We recommend that you save the basic settings as a variant to enableupdated entered parameters to reset to the basic settings.