Programme SAP CRM_LST_PRP_CREATE_BLUEPRNT - Create Field Groups and Screen Variants for Listings in PC UI

You use this report to generate certain blueprint table entries in yourproduction system. These entries are required to ensure the listingsfunctionality works correctly in the PC UI.
This is necessary if you have made Customizing settings for your settypes and PPR types for listing maintenance in a system other than yourproduction system (such as the test system) and have subsequentlytransported them into the production system.
The Customizing settings create the following background entries inblueprint tables:

  • Settings for set types (IMG activity Maintain Set Types) enable
  • the generation of field groups in the blueprint tablesCRMC_FIELDGRE, CRMC_FIELDGRP, and CRMC_ACCESS.
    • Settings for PPR types (IMG activity Define Partner/Product Range
    • Types for Listings and Assortments) enable the generation ofScreen Variants in the blueprint tables CRMC_BLUEPRNTC andCRMC_LAYOUTC.
      These field groups and screen variants are not included whentransporting the Customizing settings to another system (for example,the production system) and must be regenerated in the target system withthis report.
      You normally execute this report once, after you have finished makingthe Customizing settings for set types and PPR types for the listingmaintenance in the test system and have transported them to theproduction system. Each time you subsequently change these Customizingsettings requires another transport and another execution of the reportin the production system.


      On the selection screen, choose whether the report should generatescreen variants, field groups, or both.

      • If after the first report you have only changed set types (for example,
      • you created new attributes) but have kept your assignment to acombination of PPR type and product reference type, you only need torecreate the field groups.
        • If after the first transport you have only assigned existing field
        • groups to a different combination of PPR type and product referencetype, you only need to regenerate the screen variants.
          If you choose both options, the report generates field groups first andthen screen variants.

          The system informs you when the generation of field groups and screenvariants has been completed.
          To display the entries made during the program run in the applicationlog, choose transaction SLG1, object LISTING, and the subobjectBLUEPRNT_UPD.
          For analysis of the entries, note the naming convention for the listingfield group:
          CST_LST__P (the suffix "P"stands for the PPR type Product)
          Example: CST_LST_TESTWS_A5C_01P