Programme SAP CRM_IPM_CONTR_ADV_REF_CREATE - Activate contracts for cross contract advance

You use this report to update license acquisition contracts created inreleases prior to release SAP CRM 7.0, so that you can use thecross-contract advance function in these contracts. You can still usethe regular method of maintaining advances within a contract after thereport has been processed.

For more information about cross-contract advances, see the IMG activity
Configure Cross-Contract Advances.


  • You have defined at least one transaction type for acquisition contracts
  • to be eligible for cross-contract advances. To do so, use IMG activityDefine Transaction Types.
    • You have existing acquisition contracts created in a release prior to
    • release SAP CRM 7.0, and that are assigned to a transaction type thatallows cross-contract advances.
      • You process this report when no other users are working with the system.
      • Otherwise, the report cannot write its changes to the database, andusers cannot make changes to the database tables the report isprocessing.

        You can select the Test Run checkbox for an overview of allcontracts and items that will be changed. If you do not select thischeckbox, the report looks for all existing contracts eligible forcross-contract advances and changes them accordingly.

        The Test Run checkbox is enabled by default.

        This report performs the following steps:
        Each royalties-relevant item that has an old advance reference withinthe same contract is updated with a document flow to the referencedadvance item.
        The system updates the DLI fields IS_CROSSABLE and UPDG_KEY
        for each royalties and advance item:
        For contracts eligible for cross-contract advances, the fieldIS_CROSSABLE is assigned the value X and the UPDG_KEY
        field is assigned the value of the DLI field SOLD_TO_PARTY.
        For contracts that are not eligible for cross-contract advances, thefield IS_CROSSABLE remains empty and the UPDG_KEY field isupdated with the concatenated DLI fields SRC_HEADNO andUPDG_ITEMNO.
        The new DLSC container for the cross-contract advances in the BillingEngine Framework Navigator is updated for each royalties item.
        When the report has finished all updates, you see a table that showswhich contracts and items have been updated. If even one error occursduring processing, the report stops and the system does not write thechanges to the database. In this case, you see a table that shows thereason for the error.

        Access the report CRM_IPM_CONTR_ADV_REF_CREATE.