Programme SAP CRM_ES_STRUC_COMPARATOR - Structure comparator

Use this program to check the consistency of the request and responsestructures for the templates in CRM. When the attribute modeling oftemplates is changed for request and response fields, an additionalgeneration step might be required to adapt the request and responsestructures. This program can be used at any time to monitor whether theCRM ES field information is in harmony with the generated structures.


You can restrict the result by selecting the radio button for template,template set, or all entries.

  • Template ID: You can specify the template ID for which the check has to
  • be made
    • Template set: You can specify the template set. For this template set,
    • all related templates are checked
      • All templates: All templates are checked
      • Output
        The program output is presented as an SAP list viewer (ALV) tablecontrol. The meaning of the columns is shown below:

        • Template ID: The template ID

        • Response Structure Is Active: Indicates if a response structure for the
        • template exists and if it is active
          • Structure Created At: Creation date of the response structure in UTC
          • (Coordinated Universal Time)
            • Response Structure Is Different: Indicates if the fields of the current
            • template model match the generated response structure
              • Request Structure Is Active: Indicates if a request structure for the
              • template exists and if it is active
                • Structure Created At: Creation date of the request structure in UTC
                • (Coordinated Universal Time)
                  • Request Structure Is Different: Indicates if the fields of the current
                  • template model match the generated request structure
                    • Template Set: Specifies the template set to which the template belongs

                    • Changed By: Specifies the user who last changed the template

                    • Changed At: Specifies when the template was last changed in UTC
                    • (Coordinated Universal Time)
                      • Changed After Generation Of Structures: Indicates if the template model
                      • has been changed after the last generation of the structures.
                        By double clicking a row, you can get more details (error message list)in the case of inconsistencies. A message list is opened for the relatedtemplate in a popup.