Programme SAP CRM_CMG_MIGRATE_DOCS_40_ADDON - Migration of Older Documents as Instance Nodes in Case Model

You use this program to transfer your old case management documents tothe newly implemented document display in therecord model for SAPCRM 4.0 Add-On for Service Industries.
Unlike for SAP CRM 4.0, the documents are no longer grouped in modelnodes in the record tree, instead each document has its owninstance node within thetree (according to the display in the SAP GUI). To transfer documentsfrom the old display to the new display, you have to execute thisprogram. Otherwise the documents created for a record up to SAP CRM 4.0are no longer visible.

It does not matter if you run the program multiple times. However werecommend that you do not execute the program online because theconversion requires a longer runtime (each individual case must bechecked and, as applicable, modified by the system).
If you execute a test run of the program, you receive a list of casesthat are to be converted in the database during an update run.

The cases for which record documents have been converted from the old tothe new display are listed in a simple log.

Call program.