Title Creating Sets for Sales Order Numbers Purpose When archiving using the archiving object CO_ITEM "CO line items" youcan enter a group> or aset> to limit the amount ofdata to be archived. There are groups for most of the cost accountingrelevant objects that can be used here. For example, costcenter groups> or order groups>. This is not the case forsales orders>. The existingorder groups do not contain sales orders, they contain other types oforders, e.g. internal orders >. You can, however, create general sets for the VBAK-VBELN field anduse these to limit the data to be archived. You can create and changethese sets in the corresponding transactions in Special Purpose Ledger: Create : Transaction GS01> Change : Transaction GS02> Display: Transaction GS03> This is, however, not very practical, as too many sales orders have tobe considered. For this reason, you can use this program to create sucha set automatically.Note The sales orders are also known assales and distributiondocuments> or salesdocuments> and their items as sales document items. The object typeused for CO line item archiving is SDI "sales document item".Activities On the selection screen, enter under "Set name" a name for the new set.Under "Desription" you can enter a short descriptive text. The name anddescription then appear later in the input help (F4) of the field"Group or set" of the write program for archiving CO line items. For "sales document", select the sales orders for which the CO lineitems are to be archived. Once you have executed this program, you can use the new set in the"Group or set" field when archiving CO line items. |